UNDERGROUND members are mission-minded individuals and organizations who desire to partner with HEARTFIRE on a monthly basis. Memberships include insider access to special opportunities, insights, missions gear, merch and more!

Membership Tiers:


Minimum Gift: $5/month

  • Early access… to upcoming HEARTFIRE mission trips, events, conferences, etc.


Minimum Gift: $25/month

All the above, plus…

  • New semi-annual HEARTFIRE member-only merch.


Minimum Gift: $100/month

All the above, plus…

  • A gift set which includes our HEARTFIRE ‘Inklings’ journal as well as a copy of ‘My Daily Last Thought’- HEARTFIRE’s nighttime devotional.


Minimum Gift: $500/month

All the above, plus…

  • A fully-funded HEARTFIRE mission trip for you (or a designated HEARTFIRE leader) each annual anniversary.*

    *Requires an annual commitment.