We are so excited to begin sharing monthly updates through our brand-new Heartfire Happenings blog! Here, our team will be able to share what is going on both on the field and behind the scenes. We hope you feel encouraged and empowered to share the Gospel both at home and around the globe!


“On our last serving day in the Yucatan, our group was able to provide a water filter for a large family in one of the remote villages. While the rest of the group spoke to the daughter and son-in-law, I had the opportunity to sit down and talk to the grandfather of the family, Justicia. Suffering from severe glaucoma in both eyes, Justicia was cheerful and so full of love for the Lord. He shared the beautiful insight that due to his failing eye-sight, he was truly getting to live out the truth found in 2 Corinthians 5:7, that man shall live by faith and not sight. Found in a condition that he cannot change and severely limits his ability to do anything, this sweet man used it as a podium to share his faith and faith in the Lord’s plan for his life. I was able to pray over him and encourage him as he so beautifully and gracefully led his entire family.

The rest of the family was also faithful in God's plan for them, despite their circumstances. Three school-aged children, one baby, both parents and a blind grandfather lived in one small home. The father of the children was originally a taxi driver, but continuously received threats so he had to stop. He started to work in construction but broke his wrist, and the family was very worried about how they were going to be able to afford to live. The mother was the primary caregiver for the grandfather, who could not do daily living activities on his own due to his lack of sight. She was unable to work due to this.

With a group of 20, there are not many people who are willing to invite you into their home. This family invited all of us, with open arms. The mother was worried about their circumstance but voiced she knew that God had a plan. She and her family were faithful in God's grace. After praying for this family, they gave several group members fruit from their garden. They struggled with groceries and feeding their family, but were so willing to give it to us after simply praying for them. After group discussion, we knew this family struck our hearts. Part of our Care Fund (donated money) went to this family in order to help with children’s clothes, family groceries, and supplies for taking care of their loving grandfather.”

- January Yucatan Mission Team Member


Currently, we have incredible medical teams serving in the Yucatan for two weeks. Be praying that God will move in and through our team as they serve the locals in the region through both medical and spiritual care.


This month at Heartfire headquarters, our team has been knee-deep in mission trip planning preparing for our two mission teams in February and four teams in March. Our teams will be doing medical and humanitarian work in the Yucatan, the Dominican Republic, and Ecuador. 

Our interns have recently been learning about the Gospel writers and the early Church, equipping them with Biblical knowledge and research abilities to become even more confident in their faith and their ability to share it with others. We also had a new intern, Matti, join our team at the beginning of the month! Welcome Matti!


Join our humanitarian team to serve in local villages around Cuenca, Ecuador from June 1-10. Work on construction projects, lead children’s programs, and provide community aid to impoverished areas. Sign up & complete your Mission Agreement by February 14th for $100 early-bird registration discount! 

Ready for an adventure? Join our team in Lebanon June 17-29, where we will work with partners to serve Syrian refugees and others deeply impacted by crisis. Early bird registration deadline is March 1st - check out https://www.heartfiremissions.org/mission-calendar-24 for more details on our Summer serve opportunities!

* Both trips welcome general volunteers as well as those with medical experience, Spanish/Arabic translation, or children’s ministry experience. Make a real difference in serving those most in need. But act quickly - space will fill up fast!


In praying for 2024 and all that God is doing, our team felt led to Romans 8:18-19:

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.”

Life gets hard, both globally and personally. In the tension between how we wish life was and how it actually is, impatience sneaks in. We start wondering if God even sees what's going on.

But He does see. And His word reminds us that what we don’t see the whole picture. This is all temporary, but what awaits us is eternal.

Tension is all around us. Tension between our current circumstances and His promises. Between this present life and our eternity. Between the brokenness we see in the world and the promise of restoration. But that’s just it - the Lord’s promises are real, true, and coming. 

This year, we challenge you to join the Heartfire team in meditating on this truth. We may be living In the Tension, but we also rest in the truth!


We are praying for an army of monthly donors to sow into what God is doing in and through Heartfire. We want to invite you to consider becoming a monthly partner as we continue serving vulnerable communities worldwide. Regular donations enable our teams to run additional medical clinics, purchase necessary equipment and medications, and fund humanitarian projects year-round. Maybe you feel led to give up a coffee a week. Maybe you match your family’s grocery budget into a monthly donation. Whether it’s $5 or $5000, remember that your donation is not only making a global impact, but an eternal one.

Want more information on how to join our donor team? Check out heartfiremissions.org/underground. As an Underground monthly partner, you’ll receive monthly updates from the field along with opportunities to pray for specific projects. Use your finances to sow into the movement of the Gospel today!


We are exceedingly thankful for you. It is such a beautiful reality to see the Lord bring together people all over the world, from all walks of life, to bring His kingdom to the ends of the earth.

Want to learn more about who we are and what we do? Email us at info@heartfiremissions.org to learn about current opportunities. Like Justicia and his family, place your faith in God’s plan - you never know the fruit it may bear or lives that may be changed.

We appreciate you following our journey this month. Please keep our teams and those we serve in your prayers. May God continue to set your heart on fire for His kingdom!

-the Heartfire team

Jeff Dyer